okay, this is actually not supposed to be in this section, since it does not directly affect the text, it affects the lines, but oh well since we are already at it here we go:
these two lines have
the rule line-height:0.5em;
these lines have
the rule line-height:1em;
which is the normal height.
these two lines have
the rule line-height:1.5em;
these lines have
the rule line-height:2em;
which is like adding one extra <br />in your text
these lines have also
the rule line-height:2em;
but since I also added the rule:
font-size:75%; the distance between the lines is
also 75% of the distance before.

Here only positive values are allowed. You can see how it fits right into the same kind of effect as with letter-spacing and word-spacing... I added the purple borders, just to make the effect more obvious. Letter spacing regulates the distance between single letters, word spacing between words, and line-height between lines.