So far there's still something boring: All borders look the same, and that can be changed, too:
border-left:solid black 4px; border-right:dashed green 4px; border-top:dotted #FFFF00 4px; border-bottom:none;
We don't use the 'border' property here, we talk to each individual border separately. The parameters we can give are the same as for the 'border' property: <look> <color> <width>
Also we can give the parameter 'none' if we don't want a border at that place (works with border:none; too, if you don't want any border at all).
But, as I said, borders are not just for images, there's more to them. You have been looking for the past hours (?) at borders around boxes containing text: The examples in their white boxes always have a dark border around it.
You can also use borders to just underline elements! Like here:
The relevant style attached to that div: border-bottom:dashed blue 4px;
One last example and then we put the borders to rest for a while:
You can see, borders are very important designing the pages, there's more to it than just the colored border around a linked image...
Something to play with again, type in commands like 'solid green 5px':