
In non-CSS HTML, when you wanted to add a background image to your page you wrote something like <body background="image.jpg">, you could tell if you wanted that image just once, or repeated, and I think that was about it.
With the CSS property 'background-image', you can place background-images into any element on the page! You always have to remember, that the image is in the background, meaning: It's behind any content that you have in the element with that background image (behind text, behind child elements (elements inside of this element), behind images placed in that element with the <img> tag). Also, a background-image does not affect the flow of elements on your page.
With those two facts in mind, I will give you a short example before we quickly head for the other properties that deal with background-images, to give better examples.

<span style="font-size:80px; color:yellow; background-image:url('nash.jpg'); ">Nashville</span>

This is just a piece of text, inside of the inline-element <span>. You see, even to text you can give background-images. Nice for headlines or so...
Certainly you can give a background image to your page in general, too, that would look like this:

<body style="background-image:url('nash.jpg'); ">

This would be inline in the <body> tag, just where one used to put the background-attribute in non-CSS HTML. If you have your styles on top of your page (in the <head> section), or in a separate .css file, then it would look like this:
